Google Ads

June 17, 2024

How to find the best keywords for Google Ads

Blog Author IMage
Louis O'Neill

Co Founder & Head of Content

Trying to find the best keyword for Google Ads is a very strategic approach. For the sake of this guide we’ll keep it simple.

Here at Blurry we’ve got a set of steps that helps us find the best keywords, these are our approaches:

Approach 1

We utilize tools like Semrush to help extract keywords from direct competitors. The idea is if your direct competitors are bidding on these keyword terms then it is almost validating the quality of the keywords.

Approach 2

We utilise Google keyword planner to help spark keyword variations depending on your business. You can get keyword ideas for example if you own a shoe store, start with “buying shoes” and the keyword planner will spit variations & related queries.

Approach 3

The last approach is to select the right amount of keywords for your Google ads campaign and then it is just good old trial and error on a low budget. Once you’ve done approach 1 & 2 it’s time to test the keyword you’ve found to see if you have a winner.

A winner means:

  • Keyword are generating sales
  • Keywords are generating leads

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